Michael Leslie
Concert Pianist
Kyreinstraße 16
81371 München

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 129876847

Responsibility for the content of this website lies, according to § 55 Abs.2 RStV, with Michael Leslie.

Webdesign: Susanne von Gemmingen-Taslaman
Schleißheimerstraße 63
80797 München
Phone: +49 89 1232140
Email: svgemmingen-t (at) t-online.de

Photos: Ulla von Gemmingen, Winfried Bergmann, Dr. Andrew Jacobs, Harald Kucharcik, Brian Sweeney

The drawings on this website are based on freely available portraits of the composers. We request anyone who believes that he or she has valid grounds for objecting to these pictures to please contact the web designer, Susanne von Gemmingen-Taslaman or Michael Leslie. Should the objection prove valid we will remove the offending drawings.

Important Notice: We do everything in our power to control the content of this website. We assume no responsibility, however, for the content of external links. The liability for this lies exclusively with the people or firms running these linked sites.

The data contained in the “Legal Notice” is protected by law and may not be used by third parties for the purpose of unrequested advertising, information material or spam mail.